Thursday 29 March 2012


Studying science turned into me finding a leaf in my bible and putting the science text into a background for my itouch and turning on jack Johnson and taking a picture of a picture and cleaning my room and taking a fan and fanning myself.
Ps the camera is still broken.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Instagram Life

My current life via itouch pictures and my other friend instagram- I am so insta-addicted. My broken camera is torturing me. Upside down on the counter, dying pretty much. Just waiting for a new Nikon body, or it to get fixed. One or the other...

Saturday 17 March 2012

camera error

My camera is broken..we've been trying to fix it..but no luck so far. Might have to buy a new body..So that is a small excuse of why I am no posting no pictures..:( Sad Sad Sad.

I also entered a photo Contest! FVRL's contest..hoping I can win. Top prize is an iPad, other prizes are 100 dollar gift cards to Best Buy. :) Fingers crossed!